Briefings The Trans-Pacific Powergrab: Why joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership would be bad for people and planet – and the UK

READING TIME 30 mins mins

The Trans-Pacific Powergrab: Why joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership would be bad for people and planet – and the UK

The UK government is currently considering the idea of the UK joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP or CPTPP). This is a high-risk deal that will benefit big business at the expense of people and planet.

TPP would:

  • Entrench the corporate court system that gives multinational corporations special powers to bully and sue governments
  • Exacerbate global inequality, restricting the ability of developing countries to transform their economies
  • Undermine food standards – threatening to allow chlorine chicken and steroid-fed beef into the UK, lowering the quality of food and jeopardising farmers’ livelihoods
  • Undermine public services across the world – threatening the NHS and the ability of the developing countries in the deal to build their own public services
  • Give more power to big tech companies to use and abuse our data, and prevent developing countries from building their digital sectors, which are vital for their development
  • Take a high-risk approach to regulation of banks, hedge funds and other financial corporations
  • Allow big corporations even greater power to patent and place monopolies on traditional seeds that many southern farms depend upon
  • Move Britain closer to a US-style system of deregulation that would make it harder to work closely with the EU


CPTPP TPP UK trade deals