Reports The impact of the UK's post-Brexit trade policy on development
The impact of the UK's post-Brexit trade policy on development
The potential to define a new trade strategy, agree new
trade agreements and use new aid and trade tools constitutes
a major opportunity for the UK to continue championing
the cause of trade and development. It is also an opportunity
for the UK to make trade policy work more effectively and
efficiently in delivering development opportunities.
At the same time, there are significant concerns over
whether the UK is willing and able to assume such a role.
The challenge of defining a new trade policy is considerable,
and one for which the UK Government appears ill-prepared.
Given the magnitude of the tasks and the number of
negotiations that the UK will face in the next few years,
there is a major risk that developing countries will be
This collection of essays offers a number of perspectives
on how a new UK trade policy towards developing countries
and regions could be designed and implemented, in both
the short and longer term. It also conveys the concerns,
opportunities and expectations from a group of leading
trade specialists from academia, international organisations
and think tanks in the UK and elsewhere.