Reports Safeguarding the environment after Brexit
Safeguarding the environment after Brexit
As well as outlining many of the dangers we currently face, this report seeks to present solutions. In the midst of the current political chaos, it would be easy for those on the right, who persist in their mistaken view of regulation as a ‘burden’ on the free-market,
to attack the protections so many of us has fought so hard to win. To avoid the worst, it will not be enough to trust the Government’s warm words. We need a Green Guarantee that will deliver on Ministers’ commitment to ensuring that “we become the first generation to leave the environment in a better state than we found it.”
This would take the shape of a coherent plan to maintain and enhance environmental standards, ambitions and drivers during and after the Brexit process.To make sure that happens, we’re going to need the voices of people across the country to hold the Government to account. So this report is also intended to offer a positive vision. To inspire the degree of action required if we want to guarantee the same protections for the natural world we have enjoyed as members of the EU – and ideally to better them.
Inside or outside of the EU, the UK’s magnificent landscape and wildlife offers us a glimpse of a different world– one full of beauty and wonder. One that’s too important to allow politics to trade or destroy. Above all, then, this report is intended as a call
to arms around which those from across the political spectrum can unite in a shared purpose – to make this historic moment count for something.