Resources Resources
Citizens' Assembly on Trade and Climate Policy Brief: Assembly Findings and Recommendations
This policy brief details the CATC findings and recommendations, offering actionable steps for aligning UK trade policy with urgent climate action.
TJM BriefingThe UK’s new trade agreements with Ghana and Cameroon
The briefing covers a number of issues that arise in the UK trade deals with Ghana and Cameroon.
TJM BriefingUK Accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)
This parliamentary briefing highlights the challenges of the UK's accession to the Asia-Pacific free trade alliance (CPTPP)
TJM BriefingTen things you should know about Trade and Climate Change
This publication shows the links between trade and climate change in 10 short bullet points.
TJM ReportTrade for All: A Principles-Based Framework for UK Trade
This joint report looks at how the UK has an opportunity to design a trade policy that creates a UK economy that is prosperous, fair, and green.
TJM ReportTJM's evidence for the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee's inquiry on scrutiny of trade agreements.
TJM's evidence for the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee's inquiry on scrutiny of trade agreements.
TJM Consultation ResponseUK Trade with Australia Parliamentary Briefing
UK Trade with Australia Parliamentary Briefing
TJM BriefingTJM's submission to the International Development Committee's inquiry ahead of COP26
The Trade Justice Movement's submission to the International Development Committee inquiry ahead of COP26
TJM Consultation ResponseAlternative Trade for the Planet
How to align trade policy with climate and environmental goals.
TJM Report