Resources Resources


A model trade strategy for the UK

A trade strategy, clearly stating how the UK intends for its trade policy to support a greener and more equal world, needs to be a UK Gov priority.

TJM Report

Dirty Deals: How trade talks threaten to undermine EU climate policies

How trade talks threaten to undermine EU climate policies and bring tar sands to Europe

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Oil corporations vs. Climate: how investors use trade agreements to undermine climate action

Canadian company TransCanada has announced its plan to sue the US government for more than US$15 billion under the North American Free Trade Agreement

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Profiting from Injustice

TNI & Corporate Europe Observatory have uncovered a secretive elite club of lawyers riding an international litigation boom benefiting multinationals

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Investment Agreement Advocacy Guide

This guide is in 9 sections providing background information to those new to the issue initially aimed at Civil Society Organisations in Africa

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John Hilary: the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

John Hilary from War On Want gives an overview of the issues with TTIP

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Corporate Europe Observatory report on ISDS in TTIP

The analysis in this report shows that the rhetoric about the problems with ISDS having been solved by the proposed ICS is nothing but a fairytale.

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Friends of the Earth report on the impact of TTIP on agriculture

Studies show that export opportunities created through TTIP predict falls in the price paid to EU farmers in every food category

Member Resource

European parliament report on TiSA

This paper will firstly try to explain the economic stakes involved in services liberalisation, both globally and for the EU

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TiSA - Bad News for Communities and Workers

A report by the ITUC exploring how lobbyists from multinationals have inside access while elected representatives in parliaments are kept in the dark

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