Resources Resources


Citizens' Assembly on Trade and Climate Policy Brief: Assembly Findings and Recommendations

This policy brief details the CATC findings and recommendations, offering actionable steps for aligning UK trade policy with urgent climate action.

TJM Briefing

EU report on the use of ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ lists in services trade deals

Services and investment are a key component of EU trade policy. So how do EU trade deals cover trade in services and investment?

Other Resource

UNISON Briefing on CETA, TTIP and TISA

National governments and MEPs from the European Parliament’s Trade Committee have only limited access to documents. MPs at Westminster have no none.

Member Resource

UK Parliament Note on CETA

This note provides details about CETA, the Comprehensive Trade and Economic Partnership. This is a free trade agreement between the EU and Canada.

Other Resource

The European Commission's Summary of the Final Negotiating Results

This note summarises the key elements of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between the EU and Canada (CETA).

Other Resource

Global Justice Now’s Guide to CETA

If you thought Brexit meant that we would be free of the terrible impacts of TTIP, the controversial US-EU trade deal, it is time to think again.

Member Resource

Dirty Deals: How trade talks threaten to undermine EU climate policies

How trade talks threaten to undermine EU climate policies and bring tar sands to Europe

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Oil corporations vs. Climate: how investors use trade agreements to undermine climate action

Canadian company TransCanada has announced its plan to sue the US government for more than US$15 billion under the North American Free Trade Agreement

Member Resource

Profiting from Injustice

TNI & Corporate Europe Observatory have uncovered a secretive elite club of lawyers riding an international litigation boom benefiting multinationals

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Investment Agreement Advocacy Guide

This guide is in 9 sections providing background information to those new to the issue initially aimed at Civil Society Organisations in Africa

Member Resource

John Hilary: the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

John Hilary from War On Want gives an overview of the issues with TTIP

Member Resource