Briefings Citizens' Assembly on Trade and Climate Policy Brief: Assembly Findings and Recommendations
Citizens' Assembly on Trade and Climate Policy Brief: Assembly Findings and Recommendations
In June 2024, the world’s first Citizens' Assembly on Trade and Climate brought together a diverse group of UK citizens to explore how the UK Government should align its trade policies with climate action. Convened by the Trade Justice Movement, Queen Mary University of London, and MutualGain, this Assembly set out to address two crucial questions: How can trade policies respond effectively to climate change? And what should be the role of the UK public in shaping these policies?
The UK Government's current climate action has been deemed insufficient, with the Climate Change Committee warning of a "worryingly slow" pace and the High Court ruling in May 2024 that the UK’s climate plan failed to meet legal standards. Meanwhile, discussions about the intersection of trade and climate policy are intensifying, but two key issues remain unresolved: What policies should form the basis of a green trade strategy, and how can the public have a meaningful say in these decisions?
This policy brief presents the findings and recommendations of the Citizens' Assembly, which heard from expert witnesses, engaged in discussions, and developed a set of comprehensive proposals aimed at steering the UK towards a trade strategy that prioritizes climate action. The Assembly's recommendations offer a pathway for the UK Government to tackle the climate crisis while navigating the complexities of international trade.
In addition, read the full report here to discover how citizens believe the UK can lead the way in trade and climate-responsive policies.
Read the press release (3 December 2024)
trade and climate trade and climate change