Resources: TJM Briefings Resources:TJM Briefings
10 results:
Citizens' Assembly on Trade and Climate Policy Brief: Assembly Findings and Recommendations
This policy brief details the CATC findings and recommendations, offering actionable steps for aligning UK trade policy with urgent climate action.
TJM Briefing by Trade Justice MovementThe case against a UK Free Trade Agreement with the Gulf Cooperation Council
This policy brief argues the UK must rethink a GCC trade deal, as it offers minimal benefits, undermines human rights, and clashes with climate goals.
TJM Briefing by Trade Justice MovementTerminating the Colombia-UK Bilateral Investment Treaty to protect human rights and the environment
In October 2024, the Colombia-UK Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) reaches the end of its initial ten-year term.
TJM Briefing by Trade Justice MovementAligning the UK’s climate, trade and development policies: The case of the UK Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
This joint report by TJM and Transform Trade highlights the risks of a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) for developing countries.
TJM Briefing by Trade Justice MovementTrade rules and agriculture: a broken relationship
This briefing sets out in which trade rules influence agricultural policy and makes preliminary recommendations for a UK strategy.
TJM Briefing by Trade Justice MovementUK trade policy - why good scrutiny matters
The UK’s trade scrutiny processes should be overhauled to make sure they are open, inclusive and transparent.
TJM Briefing by Trade Justice MovementGulf Cooperation Council and potential GCC-UK Trade Agreement
This Briefing explains why TJM does not believe an FTA between the UK and the GCC is desirable or will help the UK achieve its economic objectives.
TJM Briefing by Trade Justice MovementComprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership
This TJM Briefing looks in detail at the Pacific (CPTPP) trade deal and why we are calling for a halt to the accession process.
TJM Briefing by Trade Justice MovementTJM Briefing: Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for a Trans-Pacific Partnership
CPTPP Briefing
TJM Briefing by Trade Justice MovementTowards a fair and strategic trade and climate policy
This report from the UK Climate and Trade Commission calls for Government-led change so that trade p...
TJM Briefing by Trade Justice Movement