In a statement to parliament, Trade Secretary Jonathan Reynolds said the government planned to resume talks with a number of trading partners as soon as possible, including the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), India, Israel, Republic of Korea, Switzerland and Turkey.
Tom Wills, Director of the Trade Justice Movement said:
"We are extremely disappointed at the announcement that the UK will be resuming trade negotiations with the Gulf Cooperation Council. Labour has the opportunity to turn a new page for trade policy, ensuring that UK trade agreements incorporate high standards for human rights, labour rights and the climate.
Instead, this announcement looks like a return to the days of Liz Truss. We must not rush headlong into negotiations without first setting out - via the promised trade strategy - how every trade deal will support our values as a responsible and green trading nation.”
Tom Wills, further reacted to the ongoing negotiations with Israel:
“It defies belief that Labour is choosing to continue pursuing a trade agreement with Israel. Instead of seeking closer trade ties, the UK should express its opposition to genocide, and its support of the International Court of Justice, by suspending trade privileges with Israel. The UK has a moral obligation to ensure that it is not complicit in Israel’s ongoing violations of international law. It is impossible to see how continuing trade negotiations will achieve that outcome.”