Join us at our event at the TUC conference
When? 12:45 - 14:00, Tuesday 10th September
Where? TUC conference, West Bar, Brighton Centre
The change of government brings an opportunity for the UK to take a fresh approach to trade policy.
Join our panel of experts in trade and union rights for a rich discussion on the UK’s international trading relationships. Panellists will provide views on how trade can promote labour rights, sustainable development and environmental action.
Under Truss and Sunak, the UK frantically pursued low-standards trade agreements with partners around the world. The new government is inheriting a range of live trade negotiations, including with India, the Gulf States and Israel: countries with a patchy record when it comes to protecting rights. Ministers will need to consider what role values will play in the next chapter of UK trade policy.
- Graham Lanktree (Chair) Senior Trade Reporter, Politico
- Tom Wills Director, Trade Justice Movement
- Liam Byrne MP Chair of the House of Commons Business and Trade Select Committee 2023 - 2024
- Rosa Crawford Policy Officer, Trades Union Congress
- Joel Odigie General Secretary, African Regional Organisation of the International Trade Union Confederation