Watch the recording of this webinar on our YouTube channel
The pandemic has exposed longstanding issues in our trade system.
Intellectual property rules, strengthened by trade agreements, have blocked sufficient production of COVID vaccines and medicines, leaving billions of people in the Global South unprotected.
Meanwhile a 14.3% collapse in merchandise trade left millions out of work, and the global scramble for PPE fueled further discussion of where and for whom goods should be produced.
This briefing explores what kind of trade policy we might need to address these challenges.
The session is co-hosted by the Trade Justice Movement and Global Justice Now. The event will be chaired by Martin Drewry, Director of Health Poverty Action, and we are delighted to welcome the following speakers:
- Nick Dearden, Director of Global Justice Now
- Pepita Barlow, Assistant Professor of Health Policy at the London School of Economics
- Baba Aye, Health and Social Sector Officer at Public Services International
Presentations will be followed by time for audience questions and discussion.
Watch the recording of this webinar on our YouTube channel
This briefing is the seventh in an eight-part series, which is exploring the social and environmental impacts of trade policy. Details of all sessions are available at
Image by Denis Ngai from Pexels